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Office of Diversity and Civil Rights

We make sure employees are protected.

ODCR's goal is to ensure all ICE employees and applicants are treated in a non-discriminatory manner and to see to it that ICE promotes a culturally diverse workforce in which all employees have equal opportunity to achieve their full potential. To ensure compliance, ODCR also collects, prepares and safeguards statistics concerning race, national origin, sex and data on individuals with disabilities.

The Office of Diversity and Civil Rights (ODCR) directs and integrates the application of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, as well as other applicable non-discrimination complaint systems and affirmative employment programs. We ensure that the rights of employees and applicants are protected and that the agency promotes a proactive equal employment opportunity program. We aim to achieve an ethnically diverse workplace.


It is U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) policy to ensure that employees, applicants for employment and all stake holders are treated in a non-discriminatory manner in compliance with established laws, regulations and Executive Orders. The agency must promote a culturally diverse workforce, create a work environment that allows all employees equal opportunity to achieve their full potential, and incorporate ODCR’s principles into the ICE mission and value system.



Laws prohibiting employment discrimination

Veteran's Outreach Program

Veteran's Outreach Program

Veterans currently compose one third of the ICE workforce.

Equal Access Policy

Disability Access Notices

Notification of ICE’s commitment to equal access for individuals with disabilities to programs, activities and services

No Fear Act

Date of Finding of Discrimination Date(s) of Discriminatory Act(s) Law(s) Violated
September 26, 2023 July 12, 2016 Title VII
January 3, 2024 June 2019; August through October 2019; July 2020 Title VII

The Notification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act (No FEAR Act) Public Law 107-174

On May 15, 2002, President George W. Bush signed the Notification and Federal Employee Anti-discrimination and Retaliation Act or No FEAR Act. The Act increased accountability of Federal Departments and Agencies for acts of discrimination or reprisal against employees resulting from whistleblower complaints, and complaints before the Merit Systems Protection Board and U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

Under Title III of the No Fear Act, departments and agencies are required to post on their public websites summary statistical data relating to equal employment opportunity complaints filed against the department or agency.

Both the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and ICE will post to the respective public websites statistical information in accordance with the No FEAR Act. This data will be updated on a quarterly basis for the current fiscal year.

For further information, please contact the Office of Diversity and Civil Rights at (202) 732-2298 or [email protected].

No Fear Act Data and Reports

Notification of Final Agency Action
Findings of Discrimination (Including Retaliation)

The Elijah E. Cummings Federal Employee Antidiscrimination Act of 2020 amended the No FEAR Act and requires Federal agencies to post findings of discrimination (including retaliation) from any final action of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), or a court of jurisdiction, once all appeals are exhausted. Agencies must publish such notices for one year. Findings of discrimination, if any, are listed below:

Language Access Program

ICE is committed to ensuring that external LEP stakeholders have meaningful access to its programs, services, and activities by providing quality language assistance services in a timely manner. This includes providing timely and effective communication to members of the public who are seeking access to ICE’s programs, activities, and services; LEP individuals subject to ICE enforcement actions; and LEP individuals in ICE custody. This also includes identifying and translating vital documents into the most frequently encountered languages, providing interpretive services where appropriate, and educating personnel about language access responsibilities and how to utilize available language access resources. When conducting its business and strategic planning, ICE will consider processes for enhancing language access services for programs and activities that include external stakeholders, provided that such processes do not unduly burden the Agency mission.

Language Access Program

Language Access Plans

U. S. Department of Homeland Security Language Access webpage

ICE Language Access Plan

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Language Access Plan (LAP) supports Executive Order (EO) 13166, Improving Access to Services for Persons with Limited English Proficiency (August 11, 2000). This executive order requires federal agencies to examine and improve accessibility to the services they provide for individuals who are limited English proficient.

ICE’s mission is to promote homeland security and public safety through the criminal and civil enforcement of federal laws governing border control, customs, trade, and immigration. In carrying out this important mission, it is vital for ICE to communicate effectively with a broad-spectrum of individuals, including those who have limited proficiency in the English language. The purpose of this guidance is to ensure that these individuals are afforded meaningful access to ICE programs.

Office of Diversity and Civil Rights

Scott Lanum
Assistant Director, Office of Diversity and Civil Rights

Scott Lanum was appointed Assistant Director for the ICE Office of Diversity and Civil Rights in March 2011.

Prior to this assignment, Mr. Lanum served as Chief of the Policy and Operations Division and later Chief of Diversity Management for the Defense Intelligence Agency where he ensured that equal opportunity and diversity management principals were integrated into the core principles of the agency. Before that assignment, he was the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Director and Chief Diversity Officer of the Naval Sea Systems Command. While serving in that capacity, he was responsible for all aspects of EEO and diversity management for more than 50,000 federal employees and military personnel.
